Job Demand Control Model Application The Job Demand Control Model focuses on the balance between the desires of employees and their autonomy. It indicates that those who have a high degree of work pressures and experience a low degree of control have an increased risk of stress.Click to see full answer. Similarly, you may ask, what is the demand control support model?The demand-control-support model and health among women and men in similar occupations. According to the DCS model, work that is characterized by high demands, low decision latitude, and low support decreases health and well-being.Furthermore, what is the job strain model? Karasek’s “job strain” model states that the greatest risk to physical and mental health from stress occurs to workers facing high psychological workload demands or pressures combined with low control or decision latitude in meeting those demands. Beside this, what is the JDCS model? The JDCS model warns that the greatest risks to physical and mental health are manifested among workers who experience a high isolation-strain (iso-strain) job—that is, those that are subject to high job demands in a context of low control or decision latitude and low social support (iso-strain hypothesis).What are work demands?Job demands are all physical, psychological, social or organizational aspects of a job that require continuous physical and/or psychological (i.e., cognitive or emotional) effort. Job demands have been identified as one of the most common sources of work-related stress.